Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sashimi lunch with wine

The biggest obstacle of living abroad is food, I guess.
I'm lucky to live in Bay Area (around San Francisco) because there are a lot of Japanese supermarkets here.
Especially the one called Tokyo Fish Market carries not only Japanese packaged food and vegetables, but also sashimi quality fish, sometimes imported directly from Tsukiji (the biggest fish market in Tokyo).

Thanks to them, we regularly enjoy sashimi at home.

The right side is Hamachi, and the left side is Buri.
They are both yellowtail. Buri is adult yellowtail, Hamachi is younger yellowtail.
There is an idea called Syusse-uo (literally means Fish who climbs up the social ladder) in Japan: fish change their name as they grow up.

JC sliced sashimi with his Aritsugu (sashimi knife).
We had Hamachi with wasabi and soy-sauce, and Buri with olive oil, lemon, and salt.

The wine was Mas Champart Saint-Chinian 2014.
It is blend and I think there is Viognier in it because it had oily texture.
That texture went good with fatty Buri and olive oil.

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