Thursday, July 14, 2016

HOPSY in Albany

HOPSY is a beer store in Albany who mostly deals with local craft beer. They deliver local beer to the local customers.

Their main concept is to connect micro breweries with customers who are too busy to go and find hidden gems.
And they don't just sell beer. To keep the gems shining, they have breweries directly pour beer into their own 32oz. growlettes, and deliver them to customers within few days so that the beer is still fresh when it's delivered.
This sounds like a lot of work, but I once had beer right out of the tank at a brewery and it was delicious! so I understand their unwillingness to make compromise on freshness.

Although they mainly do delivery service, the store carries more than 20 selections of beer, which is more than enough for beer novice like me.
People there were knowledgeable and helpful, so I didn't need to be intimidated.

We opened one of the beer we bought the day. Double IPA(I confess I don't know what IPA means).
It was rich. "I want to sit down and slowly drink this with food" kind of beer.

You can keep this cute growlette, or you bring this back to the store and get $1 discount for the next purchase.

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