Thursday, January 16, 2020

Angel's Temptation

When I drink Japanese alcoholic beverages I usually choose sake.

While I enjoy sake most of the time, shochu, the distilled spirit from the southern part of Japan, can be a hit-and-miss drink for me in terms of my personal preference.

This shochu, a gift from a friend, was a big hit!

Tenshi no Yuwaku (meaning "Angel’s Temptation") is shochu from Kagoshima. 
It's made with sweet potato and aged for 8 years in barrel.

Texture is smooth and aftertaste is clean.
Richness and subtle sweetness of dried fruit, vanilla whipped cream and honeysuckle.
The flavor and depth reminds me of whisky, which I usually don’t expect from shochu.

If it's taste like whisky, then it should taste good as a highball, so JC made it.

We were right, it was good as a highball, too.
It was easy to drink, good with food and even with sweets, and still flavorful after the dilution with the club soda.

When we realized, half of the bottle was gone.
I'd never drunk a drink with 40% abv. at this speed. 
It is delicious and dangerous spirit!